About the Farm Dome

The answer to the coming household food insecurity.

When times are uncertain, it can be your rescue if you have everything you need for a survival garden. With this you can provide healthy food for yourself and your family. The Farm Dome Survival Kit provides that which is most effective to grow food for sufficient nutrients and calories.



Farm Dome

A netted dome with built-in irrigation 2.2 m in diameter and 1.3 m in height, ideal for cultivating vegetables for a family of up to 4 people. Light and strong, easy and quick to assemble.


The Farm Dome protects crops against adverse environmental conditions like:

  • strong winds
  • excessive sunlight and heat
  • hail or snow
  • heavy rain
  • frost
It also provides protection against bugs, birds and other animals.

Farm Dome Survival Kit

With the Survival Kit you get everything you need to start right away:

Includes the Farm Dome + 12 packets assorted heirloom seeds + Soil enhancing mediums, palm peat and fine charcoal.

About Us

Dear friends and customers 

We farm close to Vredendal in the Western Cape and also in the Roggeveld mountains in the Karoo. During 2019 we have started with the idea to build a small, simple and affordable greenhouse. On our farm in the Roggeveld mountains in the Karoo there is an abundance of birds, insects, rabbits and baboons and the weather conditions can be extreme, therefore a vegetable garden needs protection. Winds can reach storm strength and the weather has tremendous extremes, from heat to frost and snow. In 2020, for instance, it snowed four times. The gusts of wind that occur frequently will destroy any normal greenhouse, so we thought of something that can withstand even those winds and still protect vegetables, despite the most extreme weather conditions.

We ended with a small, round dome, when properly anchored it can withstand almost all weather conditions. We call it the Farm Dome, it works well on the farm and is also ideal to use in your backyard in a town or -city area. The irrigation system which is built into the frame makes it very easy to water the plants, it connects to a normal garden hosepipe. Most of the manufacturing occurs on our farm Die Brug at Vredendal. The special 40% vegetable net that we use is cut and stitched on the farm by our own people to fit the dome neatly and firmly. 

With all the uncertainty that we all went through with the so-called lockdown, the possibility of more lockdowns as well as the probability of adverse climate and – economic circumstances, it makes sense to be prepared to produce additional food by yourself. The Farm Dome Survival Kit is the answer. It includes heirloom seeds with which you can grow healthy vegetables from which you can harvest seeds in order to produce an infinite stream of food – in case it may become difficult to get seeds in the future. 

Please contact me or John for any enquiries. 

Orders can be made directly on our website at www.farmdome.co.za


Ernst van Zyl

Ernst and Martinette van Zyl : 082 450 6988

John van Zyl : 079 248 5372 

Included with the Farm Dome

R 2,400.00 Inc. VAT

Included with the

R 2,850.00 Inc. VAT

Be prepared with everything you need

  • 16 x plastic pipes (95 cm)
  • 8 x plastic pipes (85 cm)
  • 8 x plastic pipes (60 cm)
  • 8 x T shaped pipe fittings
  • 7 x X shaped pipe fittings
  • 1 x X shaped water pipe fitting
  • 1 x hose connector
  • built-in irrigation sprinkler system
  • custom-made 40% vegetable net
  • 1 x palm peat brick
  • 1 x bag fine charcoal
  • 12 x selected heirloom vegetable seed packets

Selected heirloom vegetable seeds

Heirlooms have passed the ultimate quality tests because of their exceptional flavor, beauty, or hardiness. Harvest your own seeds to keep growing food without limits!

Examples of vegetable seeds included in the Survival Kit:

  • Tomato 
  • Cucumber
  • Spinach
  • Corn
  • Onion
  • Pumpkin
  • Cabbage
  • Lettuce
  • Beans
  • Broccoli
  • Carrot
  • Eggplant
  • Beetroot

Benefits of heirloom seeds:

  • Heirlooms are time-tested.

  • You can keep saving heirloom seeds each year.

  • Guaranteed non-GMO.

  • Heirloom seeds can be grown organic.

Palm Peat Brick

It increases aeration, water retention, improves soil texture, productivity and reduces root diseases!

Palm peat, also known as coco peat, coir or coconut husk, is a uniform, consistent, high quality horticultural growing medium, which ensures good germination of seed, and vigorous root, plant and flower development. Palm peat has excellent water retention ability and can be used multiple times.

Palm peat comes in compressed form, it expands and increases up to 5 or 6 times in volume after it’s reconstituted. Only break off the amount you’re planning to use.

It can be re-used up to three times with little loss of yield. Palm peat from diseased plants should not be re-used.

Important benefits:

  • Pete enables you to grow food even in poor soil for example sandy soil.
  • You can germinate seeds in the palm peat itself, the little plants can then be replanted for better results.

Other benefits:

  • Excellent water & air retention .
  • Free of weeds, pests & insect organisms.
  • Balanced pH of between 5.4 & 6.8.
  • Improved storage capacity.
  • Easy usage and application.
  • No smell.
  • Long shelf-life.
  • Less water usage.
  • High porosity – Rapid water uptake and drainage.
  • Excellent mulch.
  • High aeration – vigorous root growth.


How to use palm peat:

Step 1:

Fill a 10-litre bucket with 3-4 litres of warm water and place the palm peat brick in the water.

Step 2:

Allow 10 minutes for the palm peat brick to soak up the water and expand.

Step 3:

Once the water has been absorbed, break up the expanded palm peat. Your palm peat is now ready to use.

Method of application:

  • Scatter it across the soil and work it in.
  • Mix in soil at 1/3 ratio.
  • It can also be used as a mulch around plants to help the soil retain moisture and prevent weed growth.

Fine Charcoal

In general, the organic carbon levels in our soil is very low, and this determines your soil’s fertility. The application of charcoal to soil increases carbon stocks and therefore also the fertility of the soil.

Charcoal can decrease nutrient leaching, lower soil acidity, and reduce the amount of water and fertilizer used on your vegetables. It is highly porous and contains many of the nutrients found in the organic material from which it was made.  Charcoal increases the soil’s ability to hold onto plant nutrients and beneficial soil microbes by slowing or reducing the leaching of nutrients by rain or watering.

The low density of charcoal lightens heavy soils, which allows better root growth, increasing drainage and allowing air into the soil.  Charcoal works the same as agricultural lime to raise soil pH.  This all-natural product increases soil levels of available calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.


  • Rids the soil of impurities .
  • Repels insects.
  • Extremely porous (plants won’t drown, access water will be absorbed).
  • Prevent root rot.
  • Charcoal acts as an excellent soil conditioner, thanks to its high potassium content, it’s a suitable replacement of lime in soil.
  • Neutralizes plant poisons.
  • Complete surface adsorption.
  • Removes odors.
  • Neutralizes harmful effect of herbicide and pesticides (they tend to linger around for quite a few years, even after the target plants have died.
  • Can be used as mulch – It creates a protective covering over the soil surface while preventing moisture from escaping the soil.
  • Manage and reduce fungal infections in plants.

How to use fine charcoal:

Scatter it lightly across the soil and work it in. You can even add it to your compost heap to speed up the composting process.

Give us a call

Ernst van Zyl: 082 450 6988

John van Zyl: 079 248 5372

or send us an email
